A fine small inn of comfortable cave rooms hewn from the golden stone, with beautiful views of the Cappadocian landscape,
and the warmest welcome you'll receive in Turkey
Plan your trip with Tom Brosnahan
"Turkey Travel Planner"
Esbelli Evi
Esbelli Sokak, 8 (P.K. 2) 50400
Ürgüp, Cappadocia, Turkey
Phone: +90 (384) 341-3395
Fax: +90 (384) 341-8848
E-Mail: esbelli@esbelli.com
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A Place to Stay - Hotels of the World
Grant Sheehan / Shelley-Maree Cassidy
Caving in Cappadocia
...Bought and converted into a guesthouse a decade ago by owner Suha Ersoz, Esbelli Evi House is easily the most interesting hotel in the area. Of the eight bedrooms, one was originally a kitchen, another a stable, and a third a wine pressing room. Suha prefers to run Esbelli Evi as a house rather than a hotel...
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About the book
Budget Travel - November 2006
50 Utterly Charming Hotels Around $100
Suha Ersoz, a former lawyer, bought up traditional cave houses in Urgup, Cappadocia, and turned them into a 13-room hotel. The phrase cave hotel doesn't really do Esbelli Evi justice: Its style is timeless but contemporary, with modern bathrooms and hardwood floors.
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Focus Magazine - September 2006
11 Turkish Hotels In World's Best 550
11 Turkish hotels are among the best 550 hotels of the world, which are selected by German 'Focus' magazine.
Design, comfort and prices were the criteria used by the magazine while selecting the best hotels.
The list was prepared based on the views of more than 400 hotel managers, expert journalists, airline companies executives, as well as people who travel a lot.
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Heritage Hotels of Europe / Alberghi Storici d'Europa
Nicola Lecca
A seemingly lunar landscape punctuated by ancient stone towers.
...A hotel which is itself a cavern, bedrooms date back to the 5th century, and whose upper level was instead constructed in the early 1800s.There is also a terrace with a view of the stone city.The impression is of being in a private house; in fact, Evi, in Turkish, means house...
...Torri di pietra, cave all'interno, abitate fino all'VIII secolo a.C. dai trogloditi, e lo scenario di un albergo veramente fuori dal comune, con il quale ci piace concludere questo volume...
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Microsoft Expedia.com
Amanda Jones
10 Unforgettable Romantic Trips
The Esbelli House is a seven-room restored cave house, and I would challenge any hotel in the world to beat its age...The owner, Süha Ersöz, spent seven years lovingly restoring the ancient house, and his taste is impeccable. Once you've done the sites, return to the hotel's rooftop patio and drink the local wine while watching the crimson sun melt into the limestone cliff-city...
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Frommer's Online, 2005
Lynn Levine
Cappadocian inn that set the standard for all others
...This is the Cappadocian inn that set the standard for all others, and it's mostly due to Süha, Esbelli's gracious owner, whose genuineness and discreet hospitality keep guests coming back again and again. Built in and around ancient cave dwellings...
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Turkey Travel Planner, 2005
Tom Brosnahan
Esbelli Evi is among the finest inns in Turkey - and it's in a cave!
...a simple but comfortable, artistically designed bed-and-breakfast inn with perfect hospitality. His was the first, and is still the best. It captures the traditional aesthetic and lifestyle of Cappadocia, but with modern services...
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Hillsider, Mart 2000
Fem Güçlütürk
Ürgüp'te bir eviniz var!
Esbelli Evi'nin sıcaklığı, seçkinliği, abartısızlıkla yakalanmış özgünlüğü aklınızdan çıkmıyor... müzik dinleyerek turasan şarabını yudumluyor ve Urgüp'ün Erciyes'e kadar açık manzarasında güneş batışını izliyorsunuz;genelliklede Esbelli Evi'nin diğer misafirleriyle dünyanın bir ucundan gelmiş bir gökbilimcisi veya bisiklet turuna çıkmış bir doğa düşkünü ile sohbet ediyorsunuz...
Yazının tamamı için tıklayınız
National Post, June 8, 2002
Alexander Wooley
Bunker down in a hillside cavern
The main drawing room features CDs from the owner's collection of opera -- Stan Getz, Billie Holiday and Miles Davis, current periodicals from around the world and several coffee-table books describing the world's great hotels. Mr. Ersoz's creation can be found in each.
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Travel & Leisure
World's Best Hideaways
Haven't stayed in a cave before? Well, certainly, probably not like this one! It has modern bathrooms, designer beds, heat, jazz played on the rooftop terrace and whitewashed walls covered with Turkish artifacts.. Stone floors in this ancient seven-room house are carved into the side of a cliff. A pretty interesting place!
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AD "art + decor", Mayıs 2003
Sevda Barandır
Serin Kayanın Sıcak Konukseverliği
...Esbelli'nin yamaca oturan, teraslı bir planı var. Yan yana ve iç içe altı evden oluşuyor, doğal çevresiyle şiirsel bir ahenk kuran bu evler sade mi sade, serin mi serin. Her ev ise bir avluya sarılıyor. Avluların kimi iki, kimi dört odayı buluşturuyor. Tüneller ve küçük sahanlıklarda buluşan odaların kimi kayadan oyma kimi kemerli kimi de peri bacası oyuğunda... Odaların eşyası bu özgün dokunun öteden beri burada var olan parçaları gibi...
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Tasarım - Eylül, 1992
Cengiz Bektaş
Kültür Kirliliginin Ortasında Bir Ada
...Abartmadan, kültürlü bir insan nasıl davranacaksa öyle davranılmış... Alçakgönüllülükle, severek, okşayarak çalışılmış. Esbelli Evi'ni fotoğrafladım, size tanıtmak için... Kültürün hızla kirletildiği bir yerde, bize azıcık dinlenme, azıcık soluk alma, azıcık umut çiçeklendirme olanağı veren bir yer...
Yazının tamamı için tıklayınız
San Francisco Examiner, Jan. 24, 1999
Amanda Jones
Ultra-romantic spots for an international honeymoon
...So, if you're looking for a honeymoon that makes for slightly more interesting dinner-party tales, but one that doesn't require you to forego luxury in the process, ponder these... Home of the Troglodytes, Cappadocia is also one of Turkey's most spectacular geographic and historic destinations.
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L'Ecoviaggi - Ottobre, 1994
Luciana Giambuzzi
Per dormire dentro un camino delle fate
... Ma la Cappadocia regala qualcosa di piu... A Ürgüp ho dormito in una camera ricavata in un camino delle fate ...
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Condé Nast Traveller, November 1997
Annie Youngman
...So it looks like something out of The Flintstones, and you have to share your room with fossils. But Esbelli House - originally a series of higgledy-piggledy cave houses - is designed for 'real' travellers.
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Travel & Leisure - June, 1999
Shhh...50 Secret Hotels
If staying in a sixth-century cave sounds primitive, fear not: there are modern bathrooms, designer beds, and heat; jazz is played on the rooftop terrace.
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Elle Decoration - March, 1998
Jane Withers
Where to Stay
On the rocky fringes of the village of Urgup, Esbelli House is a pension occupying a cluster of houses typical of the region-the place to try the troglodyte experience in comfort
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Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel - Spring, 1998
Tom Brosnahan
Esbelli is the best of the best
Your Cappadocian accommodation can be a spacious cave-room with window and door framed in wood, but walls, ceiling and floor of volcanic stone.Visitors can sample the Flintstone lifestyle at a variety of guest houses in Ürgüp, Göreme and Uchisar. Rooms and noshing spots are cared from the flanks of fairy chimneys, and rock walls still provide natural insulation from extremes of weather. But the Esbelli is the best of the best...
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Town & Country - February, 1999
Sarah Midori Zimmerman
A Turkish Treasure
Now visitors to the ancient kingdom of Cappadocia, in Turkey's Central Anatolia, can enjoy exquisite lodgings while exploring the fantastical terrain and historic caves of the region. Esbelli Evi, in the town of Ürgüp...
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NZ House & Garden - October, 1999
Grant Sheehan
Ancient as the Hills
The remote valleys of Cappadocia are an extraordinary part of central Turkey, where volcanic explosions sixty million years ago and subsequent erosion have left a limestone landscape of the most fanciful shapes. Esbelli Evi...
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Reader's Digest, New Choices - February, 2001
Margery Stein / Tom Brosnahan
40 Favourite Destinations
...A quiet refuge in a surreal moonscape of rock, it's open from March through November...
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Harpers & Queen - August, 1999
Susanna Gross
Heartbeat Hotels
Today, Cappadocia's cave dwellings have mostly been abandoned for houses of brick and concrete. But stone-age chic has arrived, and many have been restored and turned into hotels. Of these none is more elegant than Esbelli House on the outskirts of the town of Urgüp. The Hotel ,which only serves breakfast, has a simplicity and purity that Anouska Hempel can only dream of.
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Condé Nast Traveller On-Line
Top Hotels
Family heirlooms can be found all over Esbelli House, which is run more as a home than a hotel by its owner Suha Ersoz. Originally a series of cave houses, the hotel has just seven simply furnished bedrooms and stairs carved out of the fossilised rock. Nearby is the quiet and authentic Turkish village of Urgup, but equally interesting are the freak rock formations which surround the hotel - they`re the result of volcanic explosions three million years ago.
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Food and Travel - September 1998
Sophie Pither
Going Underground - Deep Sleep
Quite the best place to stay is cave-hotel Esbelli Evi Pansiyon, on the rocky fringes of Ürgüp...Go down to the bedrooms and enter a honeycomb of caves. The rock keeps the temperature cool during the day, saving the heat for chilly nights. All rooms have bathrooms and one is in a former rock-cut kitchen complete with soaring chimney. The natural, streaky-strata decor comes in just-stirred biscuit mixture-colours range from pale gold to chocolate.
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Australian Gourmet Traveller - August, 1997
Andrew O'Keeffe
A balance of antiquity and functionality
Service at Esbelli is as distinguished as the architecture. Welcoming guests as if they're returning family...
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This Season @ Dayton's - Summer 1999
Amanda Jones
Enchanted Places
In order to qualify as one of the world's few enchanted places, however, these destinations must have accommodations that go beyond the ordinary. They must be exceptional in their service, style, and ambiance, and, above all, they must reflect their location. Urgup, Cappadocia is one of central Turkey's most spectacular geographic and historic destinations. In the heart of this area lies Esbelli House...
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Home Art - Ekim, 1998
Sibel Buğdaycı
Taş Taş Kapadokya
Kapadokya doğal dokusu ve kaya evleriyle dünyanın en ilginç bölgelerinden biri olamaya devam ediyor. Ürgüp'te Esbelli Evi, daha çok yabancı turistlere hitap eden küçük bir butik otel. Mekanın özelliği doğal taşların ve kaya odaların birleştirilerek, orjinal özelliklerine dokunulmadan döşenmiş olması...
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San Francisco Examiner - January, 1999
Amanda Jones
... The Esbelli House is a seven-room restored cave dwelling, with bedrooms dating back to the sixth century. I'd like to see something in Europe beat that ...
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Bell' Europa - Ottobre, 1996
Carolina Lami
... Il nucleo centrale risale addirittura al terzo secolo, mentre il resto dell'attuale albergo é del Seicento. Qui hanno abitato, per diverse generazioni, alcune famiglie del posto, strappando faticosamente alla roccia gli spazi vitali e ricreando ancora una volta quella sorta di miracolo architettonico che rende la Cappadocia una regione affascinante e indimenticabile ...
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GEO Season, Mai 2004
Martina Wimmer
Ein Hotel in der Höhle
Es scheint, als formten in Kappadokien nicht nur die Menschen den Fels, sondern der Fels auch die Menschen. Wer bleibt, nimmt die Ruhe an. Süha Ersöz war einer der ersten, der alte Höhlenhäuser wohnlich machte. Ein schmaler, schweigsamer Türke, ein ganz und gar bedächtiger Mensch, der den Gästen seines kleinen Hotels "Esbelli Evi" in Ürgüp die stille Größe der Wahlheimat mit Ernst und liebevoller Sorgfalt nahe bringt...
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