A fine small inn of comfortable cave rooms hewn from the golden stone, with beautiful views of the Cappadocian landscape,
and the warmest welcome you'll receive in Turkey
Plan your trip with Tom Brosnahan
"Turkey Travel Planner"
Esbelli Evi
Esbelli Sokak, 8 (P.K. 2) 50400
rgp, Cappadocia, Turkey
Phone: +90 (384) 341-3395
Fax: +90 (384) 341-8848
E-Mail: esbelli@esbelli.com
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Lonely Planet - Turkey, 2007
Virginia Maxwell
The Authors Choice for Cappadocian Hotels
It's not often that we give hotels a 10 out of 10 score, but that's what the Esbelli Evi deserves. The first of Cappadocia's boutique hotels, it has been copied by innumerable competitors but none have been able to fully emulate its unforgettable mix of comfort, style and ambiance. Owner Suha Ersoz knows what makes travellers happy - the cave rooms here have comfortable beds, elegant (but never pretentious) dcor and excellent bathrooms. Thoughtful touches such as bottled water and a choice of reading matter in each room provide the icing on the cake. We could go on about the fabolous breakfasts, magnificient terrace views and exemplary levels of service, but really, all we need to say is that a stay in this incredibly welcoming place will be a highlight of your trip.
Fodor's - Turkey, 2007
Benjamin Harvey
Owner Suha Ersoz started buying up a neighborhood of houses carved into a rocky hillside in 1987, and the inn he created from them consists of 10 standard rooms and 5 suites that are actually elegant little houses, with sepereate gardens and terraces, sitting rooms, and giant bathrooms with double-headed showers and clawfoot tubs. Suha encourages guests to linger in the stone- and vaulted-ceiling drawing room and on the breezy terraces and chat with one another, and he also welcomes children.
The Rough Guide to Turkey, 2007
Terry Richardson
Page 592 - Highlights of South Central Anatolia
St Paul Trail
Follow in the footsteps of the renowned missionary over the Toros mountains to stunning Lake Eğirdir.
Eat fillets of crisply fried lake-fish as the sun sets over Lake Eğirdir.
Whirling Dervishes, Konya
Watch the dervishes whirl each December in their spiritual home.
Hot-Air Ballooning
An unforgettable experience - the interplay of light and shadow over Cappadocia's geological fairy-tale landscape, seen from the basket of a balloon.
Greme Open-Air Museum
The frescoes inside Greme's cave churches are a vibrant reminder of the region's Christian past.
Esbelli Evi
Immaculately run hotel, elegantly fashioned from a series of old village houses located high above the Cappadocian town of rgp.
One of Cappadocia's most attractive villages sports a wonderful concentration of old Greek houses.
Ihlara Valley
Don't miss the natural beauty of this fertile gorge, enhanced by its rock-cut Byzantine churches.
Page 467 - Esbelli Evi
The original features of these collection of village houses have retained, and the rock-cut rooms are tastefully furnished with period furniture. The owner, Suha Ersoz, has the knack of making his guests feel like his friends and you're invited to help yourself from the fridge in the kitchen, cook a meal and sit in a communal sitting room, listening to CDs. Breakfastis excellent and the views from the rooftop terrace delightful.
Frommer's - Turkey, 2004
Lynn Levine
In keeping with the tradition of the original troglodyte home, the exterior of Esbelli Evi is unimpressive -- but wait until you get inside. This is the Cappadocian inn that set the standard for all others, and it's mostly due to Sha, Esbelli's gracious owner, whose genuineness and discreet hospitality keep guests coming back again and again. Built in and around ancient cave dwellings, this hotel is a breathtaking maze of stone stairways, courtyards, and outdoor terraces. The result is an irresistible collection of rooms that, thanks to polished hardwood floors, ample modern bathrooms, and thick bright white duvets, manage all at once to be prehistoric, modern, and romantic. An unusual amenity is the communal clothes washer, a lifesaver for those with longer itineraries (and hanging out your laundry on a rock terrace will make you feel at one with the rhythm of local life).
Sha always manages to stay ahead of the pack, and has already begun renovations on a group of neighboring houses destined to be transformed into luxury suites, including a honeymooner's cave haven with its very own garden, lawn, kitchen, enclosed courtyard, and all the trappings of entitlement.
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Turkey Travel Planner, 2005
Tom Brosnahan
Esbelli Evi is among the finest inns in Turkey--and it's in a cave!
For more than a millennium, people have carved dwellings from the soft volcanic rock of Cappadocia. Even to this day many local people live in homes with at least a few cave rooms. So why not an inn?Mr. Sha Ersz, owner of Esbelli Evi ("The Esbelli House"), answered this question with a work of art: a simple but comfortable, artistically designed bed-and-breakfast inn with perfect hospitality. His was the first, and is still the best. It captures the traditional aesthetic and lifestyle of Cappadocia, but with modern services.
You will not find a finer host, or more congenial inn, anywhere!
Please click for the full story
Kucuk Oteller Kitabi , 2004 / The Best Small Hotels of Turkey Book, 2004
Sevan & Mjde Nişanyan
Bazı şeyler klasiktir: tarzının standartlarını belirler, taklit edilse de tek kalır. Esbelli Evi bu anlamda bir klasik. Kapadokya'da modern mağara otelciliği Esbelli Evi'yle başladı...
Ltfen yazının tm iin tıkayın
This could be the worlds classiest cave. The style is attentive, measured, perfectionist...
Please click for the full story
Le Guide de Routard - Turquie, 2002-2003
Patrick de Panthou
Esbelli est le nome d'un quartier d'Urgup rput pour ses habitations troglodytiques et dans lequel un homme de gout, Suha Ersoz, a cr cette maison d'hotes de 8 chambres dcores avec beaucoup de talent. Toute la maison, d'ailleurs , est trs belle. Terrasse sur le toit. L'ensemble a tellement de charme que le prix est justifi. Il s'agit d'une des meilleures adresses de toute la Cappadoce, o l'on parle le francais. Rservation indispensable.
Berlitz Turkey Pocket Guide, 2002
Stephen Brewer
Suha Ersoz, the gracious and helpful owner of this inn situated a short walk outside the center of pretty Urgup, goes out his way to make his guests feel as if they are in a private home. He has lavished a great deal of care in fashioning the atmospheric guestrooms out of several old houses partially built into the hillside, connecting them with terraces and stone stair cases and installing attractive and comfortable furnishings. A vaulted, Ottoman-style salon is filled with antiques and fine carpets and is a pleasant place to relax and enjoy tea or cocktails, which are provided free of charge; in fact, guests are welcome to help themselves to snacks in the kitchen, to use the washing machine, and in other ways to make themselves right at home. 9 rooms. Major credit cards.
Lonely Planet - Turquie, 2001
Pat Yale & Richard Plunkett
Remportant la palme des maisons villageoises transformes en hotel l'Esbelli Evi de Suha Ersoz, se compose de six demeures rupestres, runies et restaures avec soin. C'est l'un des plus beaux hbergements du pays. Les chambres impeccables, souvent creuses dans le roc, sont quipes d'une s.d.b. moderne avec douche et tlphone. Deux terrasse ensoleilles , deux salons, une cuisine moderne et une buanderie sont la disposition des clients. Plusieurs chambre nuptiale, possdent de beaux lits de fer. Une chambre, installe dans une ancienne cuisine excave, jouit d'une haute chemine. Un autre, destine aux familles, contient un grand lit double, un lit simple et un berceau. Excellent petit dejeuner. Il est indispensable de rserver l'avance. Le succs de l'Esbelli a fait des mules et plusieurs tablissements semblables ont ouvert proxomit.
Cadogan - Turkey, 2000
Alex Lay & Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls
Urgup has what for our money is the finest inn in Turkey, the Esbelli Evi. Perched on a hill on the edge town, the Esbelli is an oasis of tranquility, due in part to the location, but also to the wonderfully warm personality of the owner, Suha Ersoz. Over more than a decade, he painstakingly converted a row of old stone houses into the Esbelli as it is today, with all but one of the eight bedrooms incorporating caves which date back to the 5th or 6th centuries. He has bought up all the ruined buildings surrounding his inn to preserve the peaceful atmosphere, but has no plans to convert them into extra accommodation (he reasons that with any more than eight rooms he wouldn't be able to able to get to know his guests properly). Suha has gone further than anyone else to make guests feel at home: free use of the kitchen, washing machine, unlimited free beer and soft drinks in the fridge, internet, two mountain bikes, English language magazines and newspapers, a hi-fi and definitive classical CD collection in the barrel-vaulted living room, two spacious sun terraces... If you're going to spoil yourself once in Turkey, this is the place to do it. Rooms can be booked up months in advance. Ring ahead as early as possible.
Michelin - Neos Guide Turkey, 2000
by Michelin Staff
A magnificent Ottoman house, very tastefully decorated (carpets, antiques). Large terrace. Excellent welcome. Book ahead because there are not many rooms.
Michelin - Neos Guide - Turquie, 2000
by Michelin Staff
Une magnifique maison ottomane, amnage avec beaucoup de gout (tapis, meubles anciens...) Grande terrasse. Accueil de qualit. Rservez, car les chambres sont peu nombreuses.
Open Road Publishing - Turkey Guide, 2003
Adam Peck & Manja Sachet
The Esbelli Evi in Urgup probably comes close to capturing the sense of precision and detail that would have once been found there. The Esbelli is not the product of many lifetimes; in fact in some ways it has been put up in a terribly hurry.
...Suha invites you to make the Esbelli Evi your home, he's delighted when you linger over your excellent breakfast on the patio, then spend some time with the English-language Turkish Daily News he pics up early each morning. Even better if you stroll through town until it is seemly to mix yourself a gin and a tonic in the refrigerator with all the other beverages. He has created a halfway house in the old style, a place to relax and catch your breath.
Selected as one of our best Places to stay - see Chapter 10.
Guide EDT (Lonely Planet), Turchia, 1993
Tom Brosnahan
Volete vivere in una grotta? Dei numerosi alberghi di stile troglodita il migliore l'Esbelli Evi, L'Esbelli una vecchia casa rurale ricavata nella roccia e restaurata con ottimo gusto; ora vanta camere con bagno nuovo, un solarium, due saloni, una lavanderia e una moderna cucina a disposizione dei clienti. Diverse stanze, compresa quella per gli sposi in viaggio di nozze, hanno eleganti letti in ferro battuto.
Footprint - Turkey, 2000
Dominic Whiting
6 traditional houses carefully restored and converted, lovingly furnished with antiques, family atmosphere with use of kitchen, pleasant rockcut rooms, family room with cot, breakfast terrace, washing machine, internet use. Recommended.